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Watch Site Survey 360 Demo Walkthrough
Full Immersion Technology on full screen then use your phone to look around or mouse to drag to see any orientation you want. Pause or play while you are interacting with the video.
The demo video below is a 360 degree VIDEO. This video was shot in 360 degrees. This means that during the playback of the video you have the ability to use your mouse to drag around to look at different areas (either while the video is playing or paused). You can ZOOM IN, ZOOM OUT, look behind the camera and to the ceiling or to the floor.
When you sign up with Site Survey 360 we will build a 360 degree video for your data center, central office, network, restaurant, facility, warehouse or any other technical structure you need to have intimate immersive interaction with your data.
These 360 degree site survey VIDEOS add additional value to our incredible virtual walkthroughs with our 360 degree panoramic images.
Be completely transported to this facility when you put on our INCLUDED Virtual Reality Headset. You will be automatically teleported into the center of your facility in three dimensions. Video Site Surveys
Next time you need to have a repair done on your next kitchen oven, fryer, refer, be sure you share your Site Survey 36o video to your vendor so that they can be completely aware of your kitchen and potential issues before they get onsite.
Does your facilities vendor fully understand the bottlenecks that may restrict them from completing their task? Can they navigate through your facility in order to access the equipment
Will your vendor be able to fully understand what challenges are waiting for him when he arives? Does the vendor fully understand the space and what will be required to access the equipment?
Do your engineers fully understand the potential risks for the location they have selected? Can they justify the location or the solution they are recommending based on the space?
Can the engineers feel confident that they fully understand the space they are designing, the equipment they want installed and the power requirments, over head support and much more?
Will your current site survey keep your team on track, will it keep your project on time and on budget? Will your installers be faced with issues that could cause delays or a redesign of the solution?.
Extreme Solutions
Virtual Site Survey Solutions
Find out how we transform your facilities into immersive virtual reality solutions. Never again will you have wonder. Now you can just go there right from your desk.
Understanding client goals.
Crafting a tailored plan and approach.
Building and coding the solution.
Deploying the final product live.